Exclusively offering teletherapy to adolescents and adults in Virginia and 35+ states.

Specializing in the evidence-based treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and postpartum depression and anxiety.

Our therapy services include support for:

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder refers to the experience of unwanted, intrusive thoughts that interfere with daily life or feel threatening. Because these thoughts feel so upsetting, people engage in avoidance and/or perform compulsions to neutralize or escape the thoughts. We are trained in the gold-standard treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (Exposure and Response Prevention). We also offer couples therapy for people whose relationship is being negatively impacted by OCD.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders impact people of all races, ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and genders. Research indicates that 1 in 7 males and 1 in 5 females will experience an eating disorder by 40 years of age. We are trained in evidence-based practices to treat a number of eating disorders.

Perinatal Depression and Anxiety

Perinatal depression and anxiety refer to depression or anxiety that presents during pregnancy and up to 12 months after delivery. Due to hormonal changes, identity and role transitions, and stressors such as poor sleep, perinatal depression and anxiety are common: 10-20% of new parents report being affected. We are trained in the therapies that have shown to be effective in treating perinatal depression and anxiety, as well as menstruation-related mood and anxiety disorders.

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Evidence-based treatments that get results.

We have over a decade of experience treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and postpartum depression and anxiety.

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